Michael Schiavo: Guilty, Terri Schiavo: Sentenced to Die
I'm sorry but Michael Schiavo does not get to have it both ways. He has violated his wife's wishes, either when this ordeal began in 1990 or later in 1996. If we belive what he is saying, that it was Terri's sincere dying wish that she not be kept alive artifically, then he violated that wish when back in 1990 he ordered medical tests, therapy and a feeding tube to keep his wife alive. If we believe Terri's parents, that she is a devout Catholic and would want to be kept alive by whatever means necessary, then Michael Schiavo violated his wife's wishes in 1996, when he ordered that her therapy and further testing be stopped. He continued this violation of her wishes when he went to the courts seeking to legally remove her feeding tube and deny her food and water until she dies.
I believe that no one can play God. That role was filled before the beginning of the beginning. When God calls you home, you go home. You DO NOT get sent there by courts who prefer cold legalism over their moral obligation. Yes there are bigger things in this life than the law of this land. This life and this world will one day pass away, and you will stand before God and give an account of your life. I would not want to stand before God and say 'yes I withheld food and water from my wife because the courts told me I could do so. I did this because I prefer legalism over yoru divine law.' A popular question of our day is WWJD. What Would Jesus Do? Would he heal Terri Schiavo? As he healed the lame, the lepers and the blind? Or would he walk on by her and say "sorry the laws of this land tie my hands. We're in temple, it's the Sabbath and while I'd really like to help you, the Pharisees have passed a law that says I can't do anything right now." Jesus was not bound by the laws of the Pharisees, he was bound by God's law. We are all bound by God's law. Some things are true whether you belive them or not.
Now ask yourselves this question. Do you think Michael Schiavo should turn custody of Terri over to her parents so that she can be cared for and loved until God does call her home? Michael has gone on with his life. He has a common law wife now and also has two children with her. This is a clear violation of his marraige vows, a contract he and Terri voluntarily entered into with God. He has also violated a few of the commandments (laws that God gave to Moses for all the world to live by). Specifically, number 6, 7 & 9. They are as follows:
Commandment # 6: Thou shalt not commit murder.
Commandment # 7: Thou shalt not commit adultery.
Commandment #9: Thou shalt not lie.
You can decide for yourselves if he has broken the law of God. I am not his judge. All I know is what God has handed down as his laws for governing life. Has Michael upheld these laws?