Running with Scissors

Welcome to my corner of the blogosphere. This is where I will be posting my thoughts on various aspects of Christianity. Think of this as a Q&A session for Christians. Stick around this could get interesting.

Location: Phoenix, Arizona

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Stolen Xanga Test

I stole this from some one elses xanga. Cause I think its a great idea.. so here you go

Leave your name and...
1. I'll respond with something random about you
2. I'll challenge you to try something
3. I'll pick a color that associates with you
4. I'll tell you something I like about you
5. I'll tell you my first-clearest memory of you
6. I'll tell you what animal you remind me of
7. I'll ask you something I've always wanted to ask you

If I do this for you, you must post this on yours...

Saturday, March 25, 2006

What's On Your iPod or mp3 Player

I don't have too much to say right now, so I thought I'd share a little bit about myself and let you guys see just what kind of stuff I listen to. I promise to have a real post about something soon. Bye.

Here's what's on my iPod right now.

It Doesn't Matter Alison Krauss
The Warriors Barry De Vorzon
Darkside Of Aquarius Bruce Dickinson
Road To Hell Bruce Dickinson
The Magician Bruce Dickinson
Soul Intruders Bruce Dickinson
Navigate The Seas Of The Sun Bruce Dickinson
Prodigal Casting Crowns
Lifesong Casting Crowns
Priase You With the Dance Casting Crowns
Talk Coldplay
Come Again Damn Yankees
Say the Words dc Talk
May it Be Enya
Run George Strait
2 Minutes to Midnight Iron Maiden
Back In The Village Iron Maiden
Hallowed Be Thy Name Iron Maiden
Infinite Dreams Iron Maiden
Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son Iron Maiden
Flight of Icarus Iron Maiden
Always With Me, Always With YouJoe Satriani
In The City Joe Walsh
Hurt Johnny Cash
Rock Hard Ride Free Judas Priest
Dreamer Deceiver Judas Priest
Diamonds and Rust Judas Priest
Beyond the Realms of Death Judas Priest
Blood Red Skies Judas Priest
Word Of God Speak Kutless
The Rose LeAnn Rimes
Big Love Lindsey Buckingham
Spoken For Mercy Me
Blessed Be the Name of the Lord newsboys/rebecca st. james
Last Train Home Pat Metheny Group
Frontline Pillar
Careful With That Axe, Eugene Pink Floyd
Surgical Strike Queensryche
Genocide (Live) Rob Halford
The Great Divide Scott Stapp
Cry Holy Sonicflood
I Surrender All Sonicflood
Drift Off to Dream Travis Tritt
Bible Belt Travis Tritt
Southern Justice Travis Tritt
In The Belly of the Whale Veggie Tales
Planet Of Women ZZ Top
Gimme All Your Lovin ZZ Top

Monday, March 13, 2006

Why Do We Care?

Aloha to all my loyal readers! Yeah I guess I'm still in the Hawaian spirit of things. My wife and I just got back from a week long cruise through the Hawaian islands. We visited the islands of Hilo, Maui, Kona and Kauai. We took the NCL ship The Pride of America. If anyone is looking for an awesome vacation, I recommend booking a cruise with them immediately! I know I've been away for a long time, not all my time was spent in Hawaii. I've been visiting the "Christian" section of and have learned something about myself I never knew before, I care what other people think about my opinions.

So that brings me to the topic of my post. Why do I care what other people think? I never used to be this way. When I was in high school and college, I never cared what people thought of me. You could tell that by the way I dressed. I was the only Garth Brooks wannabe in Fairfield County Connecticut!!! Talk about sticking out like a sore thumb! LOL Anyway, when I read a post somewhere, I feel a strong need to share my opinion, so I do so. This has gotten me into conversations I am not intellectually equipped to have with some people. But instead of just walking away I HAVE to defend my position and why I'M right.

Where does this need to be right come from? By the time I'm screaming and yelling at people, I've crossed over from a place of wanting to share my opinion to the dark place of SCPs, ya know the "I'm right and if you think I'm not, you're an idiot," place. When I post a message I'm always thinking in the back of my mind "has someone responded yet? What if they don't like me or what I have to say?" What does that say about me?

Why do I care what other people think? I know that I will suffer for my faith, I know I will be called names and told I'm intellectually retarded for believing in God. I know all that, and I thought I had made peace with it. But when it happens on an internet message board, I actually feel hurt.

I've been spending alot of time on message boards like, so much time that I have not kept up with my daily bible readings. This has to stop! I have to find the strength to say "To Hell with what the world thinks of me. I have my faith and it sustains me. The people on the net will come and go, but God will never leave me. His plan for my life is the only plan for my life" That should be enough. No! It has to be enough, there is nothing else! So why do I find myself still caring?