Running with Scissors

Welcome to my corner of the blogosphere. This is where I will be posting my thoughts on various aspects of Christianity. Think of this as a Q&A session for Christians. Stick around this could get interesting.

Location: Phoenix, Arizona

Thursday, March 20, 2008

R.I.P. Issues, Etc.

March 18, 2008 is a day that will live in infamy. It is the day when one of the best Lutheran podcasts, Issues, Etc. was cancelled and the host, Rev. Todd Willken and the producer, Jeff Schwarz, were terminated with no explanation given. I don't know if anyone still reads this blog and I don't know if anyone who does read this blog ever listened to Issues, Etc. but this is one radio show that was not afraid to proclaim the truth of God's word. In an age where Christian media is ruled by the likes of Joel Osteen, Joyce Meyer, Benny Hinn, Kenneth Hagin, and Rick Warren, Issues, Etc. was a breath of much needed fresh air.

Here is the official statement that was released by KFUOAM regarding this incident:

"For programmatic and business reasons, the decision was made this week to discontinue the "Issues, Etc." program on KFUO-AM.We look forward to bringing you new programming in this time slot in the near future. Also, we thank "Issues" host Rev. Todd Wilken and producer Mr. Jeff Schwarz for their years of service on behalf of the station. Those interested may still download past "Issues, Program Etc." programs from the "Issues" archive on this website. Thank you sincerely for your continued support of KFUO's radio ministry."

The person responsible for taking Issues, Etc. off the air is David Strand. He is the Exective Director for the Board of Communications Services. Here is a list of contact information for David Strand, KFUO AM, the LCMS and other numbers of people who are directly related to this incident.

Rev. David L. Strand
Executive Director Board for Communication Services
(314) 996-1200
(314) 822-0000

Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod
1333 S. Kirkwood Road
St. Louis, MO 63122-7295
(888) 843-5267
(314) 965-9000
FAX: (314) 996-1016

KFUO Radio Station
(314) 725-0099
(314) 725-3030‎
(314) 721-2969

Rev. Dr. Gerald Kieschnick
Synod President
(314) 996-1402
(314) 842-7110

LC-MS Board of Directors
(314) 996-1350

Please get in touch with one or more or all of the people listed above and express your sadness and outrage over this decision to cancel a great program that taught the truth of God's word on a daily basis. The decision to cancel this program during Holy Week is inexcusable and sickening. We need to come together as the body of Christ and let the Synod know that this kind of behavior will have severe repercussions. I am keeping Todd Wilken and Jeff Schwarz and their families in my prayers and urge you to do the same as well.

Here is a way that we can show our support for the host and producer of Issues, Etc. A Pay Pal account has been set up by The Wittenberg Trail to take donations for the families of these two fine Christian men, who are now unemployed. If you can, please donate.

The Wittenberg Trail is organizing a drive to offer financial support to Pastor Wilken, Jeff Schwarz and their families during this difficult time. The WT has a secure Pay Pal account set up. Please indicate “Wilken/Schwarz” in the donation comment section.
Please log into the Wittenberg Trail and click on the “Donate” button on the right side of the screen.

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